Tuesday 26 June 2012


My new scrunchie. Haven’t assured myself that I will get use out of it, I think I was about 10 years old the last time I wore one.

Probably the wrong thing to buy heading into winter but I felt I needed a new pair anyway. Photo doesn't do them justice, ill try getting a good photo with them on when I get round to wearing them. Time to stop with the accessory purchases, time to buy a better camera!

Monday 25 June 2012


Loving all the Aztec inspired prints this winter

Three of my favourite items this winter. Winter can be so full of dark colours that its good to have bright, stand-out items in your wardrobe that also keep you warm.

Thursday 21 June 2012

Song Of The Day

Why would you listen to anything else on a lazy friday afternoon?

Feather Hair Extensions

Bought these hair extensions online recently, for anyone who loves changing there hair often feather extensions are great. Their easy to use and not to expensive. Iv'e had mine in for about a month now and they are still in good condition.

The website I used:

Thursday 14 June 2012

The Next Best Thing


Its called spotify. Free downloads and its not illegal, if you can put up with a couple of ads every now and then its perfect. Iv'e only had it for a couple of weeks and am in love with it. No more days of looking at triple j's hitlist and transferring every individual song into youtube just to have a listen. 

Monday 11 June 2012

Mustard Or Maroon

No new purchases today but I am still contemplating my next nail polish colour for the winter months. My last two were both blue toned (above) poolside and role model. Maybe something warmer this time?

Stars N Stripes

My First post! how exciting...
Also my first online clothing purchase for a American themed event I have coming up.

My dress is something that resembles my favourite marina and the diamonds outfit (above) before her new album. This is the best picture I could find off google.

To keep with my marina theme, this song iv'e chosen today is another by her. AMAZING!