Wednesday 6 February 2013

We Are Handsome

Let me begin with my apologies for the length of time between this blog post and my last. I must say my life has changed so much over the last couple of months, and i'm so unsure whether its for the better or worse. As someone who always knows what they want I find myself caught between decisions. It really is hard to find the perfect balance between work, leisure and education. None the less, since summer is once again coming to a close I thought id share my favourite piece from my summer wardrobe.

 What has quickly become on of my favourite brands We Are Handsome produces great quality swimwear in incredible prints. I will definitely be buying myself another swimsuit next season.

We are handsome website:

Monday 12 November 2012

Drink Up

One of my biggest aims this summer: to get creative with alcohol! I haven't exactly gone on holidays yet, and am currently stuck in my house studying while the weather outside warms up. I haven't even had the time to have a proper shop for my summer wardrobe yet let alone start getting creative with this stuff. I promise to post all my accomplishments... and disasters.

Thursday 25 October 2012


Couldn't be more pleased with my birthday this year, new things from Peter Alexander and my blessed are the meek dress.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Sunday 14 October 2012

Blesse'd Are The Meek

With my birthdays soon approaching its been hard work juggling study, work and a busy social life let alone deciding what I will be wearing for the event. Iv'e had my eye on this little beauty for a while. I tend to always choose clothing that is a tone of blue. I hate to say I have a favourite but if I had to choose I guess it would be. And I love the detail on the front of the dress.

Tuesday 2 October 2012


Words cannot describe now much I love this girl. I've been wanting to post this since the day it came out but with life I simply haven't had time. enjoy